

PRINCO Watch 可說是經典手錶的未來,它的功能提高了錶類的標準,協助現代人的忙碌生活,但同時保有時尚的元素。

有了 PRINCO Watch,你就有更多時間學習、改變與實踐。

我們藉由這個機會,找到世界各地穿戴 PW 的朋友們。請他們分享每個人、每個職業怎麼在這個大環境中做自己!




其中一個就是去不同的地方旅行,了解不同國家及來自各個角落的人,透過他們更讓我學習到不同文化、習俗、美食、宗教信仰的美好; 然後有機會趁我飛行的時候分享我的故事和經歷來激勵別人。

我叫 Vicky,我是一位空姐。I'm here to change the world!”



"My way of changing the world is by performing small actions through my travels around the world.

 One of them is to travel to different places, knowing communities and people from all corners of the planet, enriching me with their customs, meals, religions, and in general with their different forms of life; having the opportunity to inspire and teach others with my stories and experiences.

My name is Vicky, I’m a flight attendant. I’m here to change the world!"